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Portable MRI

Detection of bone marrow changes related to estrogen withdrawal in rats with a tabletop stray-field NMR scanner. Sarda Y, Bergman E, Hillel I, Binderman I, Nevo U. Magn Reson Med. 2017; 78(3): 860-870.

Monitoring of cellular changes in the bone marrow following PTH (1-34) treatment of OVX rats, using a portable stray field NMR scanner. Hillel I, Binderman I, Sarda Y, Nevo U.J Osteoporos. 2017; 7910432.

Detection of bone marrow associated with an experimental model of osteoporosis using a stray field NMR scanner. Sarda Y., Bergman E., Hillel I, Binderman I, Nevo U. In Press, Magn, Res. Med. 2016. 78(3): 860-870.

In vivo assessment of aged human skin with a unilateral NMR scanner. Bergman E, Sarda, Y, Ritz N, Sabo E, Navon G, Bergman R, Nevo U. NMR BIOMED, 28(6), 656-666.

Single-sided stray-field NMR profiling using chirped radiofrequency pulses. Casabianca LB, Sarda Y, Bergman E, Nevo U, Frydman L. APPL MAGN RESON, 2015;1-11.

An estimation method for improved extraction of the decay curve signal from CPMG-like measurements with a unilateral scanner. Bergman E, Yeredor A, Nevo U. J Magn Reson. 2014; 22;245C:87-93.

Faster imaging in a portable unilateral NMR device. Liberman A, Bergman E, Sarda Y, Nevo U. J Magn Reson. 2013; 231:72-8.

An estimation method of MR signal parameters for improved image reconstruction in unilateral scanner Bergman E., Yeredor A., Nevo U. J Magn Reson. 2013; 237:92-9.

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